Implementation of JAXB-API has not been found on module path or classpath

I’m getting the error above when I try to access my app on production ubuntu server after deploying new wars after upgrading to the latest version (7.2.7).

Find app error log attached
app.log (47.9 KB)

The exception most likely occurs because you build your application using Java 8 and then launch it on the server with Java 11.

You can re-build the application with Java 11, or modify build.gradle contents to always include jaxb libraries.

See related forum topic: UberJAR application occurs error when starting - #2 - CUBA.Platform

I tried this and it did not work, although the jaxb libraries were being included in the app-core/WEB-INF/lib directory on deployment.
What worked for me was to download and take the *jar files in the lib folder and added them to app/WEB-INF-lib folder of my application.