I Need Suggestion on Custom Report Generation in Cuba Platform

Hello Everyone, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am stuck on a Cuba Platform project and need a hand with custom reports. I have been reading the guides and using the built-in editor, but I am running into some issues.

Here is where I am stuck in:

  • I am making my own report design and the default templates aren’t quite what I need. How can I design a custom layout for my reports?
  • I am pulling data from different places andI want to show info from several sources in one report. What’s the best way to set up the data connections for this in Cuba Platform?
  • Also the reports that change based on stuff and Is it possible to have reports adjust based on what a user enters or certain conditions? How can I make that work?
  • I need to export my reports as PDFs, Excel sheets, and maybe other things. How can I make sure they export correctly and look good in the different formats?

I also check this: https://www.cuba-platform.com/blog/cuba-platform-typescript-sdk-and-rest-apiruby But I have not found any solution. Could anyone provide me the best solution for this. and I have checked the official documentation and looked online but I am still scratching my head.

Thanks in advance! :blush:

Respected community member :innocent: