How to write multiple sql statement in a single script box for different sections of the report ?

I want to write multiple select statements for different sections of a report in a single script box. Is there a way to do that ?
Now i have written a single query and its working fine for me. But its is too big and all the fields are dependent since i am using join in that query.

For Example:
My template is like:

1) <b><u>Personal Details:</u></b>


2) <b><u>Work Details:</u></b>

    Office Name :${work.office_name}

I want to write two separate sql statement for personal details and work details. How to do that.

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You can create 2 separate bands (Person and Work as in the above example) and select different data in different bands.

Please see the below example:

<rootBand name="Root" orientation="H">
            <band name="Person" orientation="H">
                    <query name="Person" type="groovy">
                            return [[ ... ]]
            <band name="Work" orientation="H">
                    <query name="Work" type="groovy">
                            return [[ ... ]]

Please let me know if you have more questions.

Thanks Eugene. It worked.