How to produce and validate report in pdf/1b?

i need to generate a report in format PDF/A-1B (ISO 9005-1) with Open Office listner.

How can i do it?

After I generated a pdf a need to validate like this Apache PDFBox | PDF/A Validation.

How can integrate this on my cuba application?

Thanks in advance.

You need to add this library to your project and use library API in your code.

  1. Search pdfbox in one of maven public repositories.
    Here it is:

Pick latest version and copy a maven or gradle dependency.

  1. Add dependency to your project. Read here how to do it:
    CUBA Studio User Guide

  2. Use the library classes from your code.
    Use Spring beans: or com.haulmont.reports.ReportingApi (from app-core module) to programmatically launch reports from your code.

You can also consult with com.haulmont.reports.gui.ReportGuiManager class if you need the logic to input parameters etc.