How to override create action in EntityCombinedScreen

private CreateAction createAction;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
          createAction.setBeforeActionPerformedHandler(() -> {
          System.out.println(“CreateAction will now be performed”);
          showNotification(“CreateAction will now be performed”);
        return true;

Please explain your problem and how it relates to the code you provided.

I am having the same code as above… My problem is, createAction is not performing in the CombinedScreen, And how do i initialize values in the Editor using the Combined Screen…
I want to initialize the Picker Field with the current browser row selection in the Combined Screen…

I resolved Issue Myself

private Button createBtn;

 com.vaadin.ui.Button vaadinButtonForCreate = createBtn.unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.Button.class);
 vaadinButtonForCreate.addClickListener(event -> {
              //Do Somthing

Hi @ranjisona,

There is another way you could take. If you have a look into the combined screen implementation it declares theinitBrowseCreateAction method that you can override in your screen.
