How to make some table rows editable and others read-only?

In my application, I want to disable editing of a row in a table if certain conditions are met. I saw “addEnabledRule” in the BaseAction class but that seems to apply to buttons attached to tables. I want to set editable(false) for columns in certain rows and editable(true) for others.
I tried this on the datasource attached to the table, but it does not work. I can still modify the rows that should be read only.

        updtransDs.addItemPropertyChangeListener(e -> {
            Updtrans updtrans = e.getItem();
            if (updtrans != null) {
                if (updtrans.getUpdatedate() != null) {
                } else {

Can this be done? How can I make some rows readonly and others editable?


It is not supported by editable tables and the only way to achieve this is to use your own generated columns (see Table - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual). You need to implement column generators that will show either editable Field or read-only depending on your business logic. For your case I would recommend simple Master-Detail screen instead of inline editing, since it is more convenient if you have such a dynamic editing logic.