How to maintain a 6.10 app version while preparing a 7.x one


We have begun the process of creating a version of our app with cuba 7.1. This will be long as we have over the years made quite some extensions to the platform.

In the meantime, if production application which is in version 6.10 meets a bug, we need to be able to fix it quickly.

For testing purpose I setup cuba 7 within my IDEA with a new app version.

Then I tried to open current app version (in prod) with Studio 6.10 and it seems it cannot communicate with the CUBA plugin v12, so I cannot develop a patch if I need to.

How is it possible to do so ?


Please check this topic: Intelij CUBA plugin - connection with old Studio - CUBA.Platform

Hi Michael,

please check in IntelliJ in the Cuba-Plugin settings:


This should enable the communication with the ‘old’ Cuba 6 Studio


Thanks @AlexBudarov & @s-m-k !

I guess this option not being activated by default is on purpose, is there some risk ?