July 20, 2017, 12:54pm
Hello Cuba Team,
I want to open dialog mode after click on ok, for that I am using
openWindow(“dialog_screen”, WindowManager.OpenType.DIALOG);
I have test-browser and files.
Now I want to open dialog_screen in test-browser of testController, for that I need to load test-browser data in dialog_screen, How can I achieve this.
Can any one help here.
(Daniil Tsaryov)
July 27, 2017, 1:49pm
Okay, so the only thing you need to do is invoke:
openWindow("screenId", OpenType.DIALOG, paramsMap);
July 20, 2017, 6:52pm
Please find the attachments.
After click on ok, Now I am displaying Popup view and dialog mode of screen.
But I want to implement that Popup view data in the dialog type of screen.
(Like in Popup view I am using checkbox code that I want to display in the Dialog.)
Please help me here.
July 24, 2017, 8:58am
Hi Cuba Team,
Did anyone find this question.
Please help me here.
(Daniil Tsaryov)
July 27, 2017, 8:47am
Hi! You want to open some browser screen with dialog mode from the other screen, am I right?
July 27, 2017, 2:11pm
Hi Daniil,
Now I am using popup view for showing some data in the xml file.
I have vBoxLayout inside popup view. Now I am displaying this vBoxLayout by using popview.
But I want to display the vBoxLayout in Dialog box after click on OK, instead of popup view.
Can you please say me how can I do this.
(Daniil Tsaryov)
July 27, 2017, 4:40pm
You can’t use VBoxLayout itself for this. To show some dialog you should create a screen to use it as dialog window.
Please check out the Dialogs , probably it is what you need.
July 28, 2017, 4:38am
Yes Daniil, For this I need to add this vBoxLayout to new screen that should properly work in that same controller.
Can you please help me here.
(Daniil Tsaryov)
July 31, 2017, 9:22am
You can not use one controller for two screens. If you want to create a new screen you have to create a new controller.
But you can pass data from one controller to another via window params.