How to hide/customize hover effect?

Hi community,

I need to put a customer name in my editor screen.
When I put my mouse over it, it says “ is required”

Is thee a way to customize it or hide? Because I dont like the “.” of it?


Hey Spamhater,

Could you share a screenshot of what you have for better understanding of your question.



Hi Kenince,

I want to remove “” required
or modify it as “name required”



On editing the field group on studio…edit the required message as shown below:


I hope it works.

All the best,

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Thank you!

Yes it will help :slight_smile:

Happy coding!

If it solves your issue, kindly mark the answer as correct. There’s a small check box underneath the answer for that.

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You can also edit the in the data model.

This will make it so you do not have to individually edit all your captions and required fields on various edit/browse screens.

For example:
ServiceOrder.purchasedHours = Actual Hours

This will update both the default caption and the required message to your prefered field alias.

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