How to hide addToSet button after click filter button in browser screen

Hey guys. I have problem when click filter button. i want hide addToSet button after click filter button in browser screen. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

Hello @nguyencongphuong!

What version of the platform are you using?

In 7.2 version, the addToSet action is a standard action that is added to the XML descriptor as follows:

  <groupTable id="customersTable" dataContainer="customersDc">
          <action id="addToSet" type="addToSet"/>
          <button action="customersTable.addToSet"/>

You can subscribe on CollectionLoader#PostLoadEvent or set Filter#setAfterAppliedHandler() and then execute the following code:



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Hello @durygin. Thank for support.
the version I am using is 7.0.6. I tried it your way but it looks like AddToSet’s id button is not addToSet.

In 7.0.6 version, you could try to find AddToSet action by “filter.addToSet” action id:


or by “addToSetBtn” button id:

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Thank you again. this is what i am looking for.