I have a problem, I wanted to test SourceCodeEditor component, and I need to change or delete the text in the element.
I was able to get the content of this element:
The result of such a request:
<<span class="ace_punctuation ace_xmldecl ace_xml"><?</span>
<<span class="act_keyword ace_xmldecl ace_xml">xml</span>
<<<<span class="ace_test ace_white space ace_xml"> </span>
< < span class= "base_entity any_other use_attribute-name ace_decl-attribute-name ace_xml" > version</span>
< < span class= "act_keyword ace_operator ace_decl-attribute-equal to ace_xml">=</span>
But edit / delete the text failed. I would like to know if there is a way to edit / delete text from SourceCodeEditor