How to develop applications in Eclipse IDE

As you probably know, we have switched to IntelliJ IDE since 7.0 to bring better development experience. It does not mean that we completely abandoned all other IDE options for Java. In this tutorial, I will show how you can generate a project using CUBA CLI and import it into Eclipse IDE.

Fortunately, platform 7.0 does not require any custom Gradle integrations and projects can be opened using native Gradle integration in IntelliJ (even without CUBA plugin) and Eclipse.

:bulb: First of all, install the latest Eclipse IDE and CUBA CLI.

  1. Start your command line terminal and change directory to eclipse-workspace
  2. Run cuba-cli
  3. Run create-app command.

CLI will ask you for parameters and generate a new project. Check CLI Quick Start Video.

  1. Run Eclipse IDE
  2. Use menu File - Import - Existing Gradle project


  1. Select project folder and click Finish


  1. After project imported and all dependencies downloaded you will see project modules and Gradle panel:


  1. In order to build your solution use assemble Gradle task.

  2. How to run?

:warning: If you are using HSQL then start database using Gradle task startDb

  • Create database using Gradle task: createDb
  • Setup local Tomcat instance: trigger setupTomcat Gradle task
  • Create a new Run configuration with 2 Gradle tasks: deploy start


Now, you will be able to run an application using Run configurations menu.


  1. How to debug?

Create a new Remote debug configuration with port 8787.


Although it is possible to develop a solution using only CLI and Eclipse I'd definitely use Studio Bundle or IntelliJ Plugin in parallel because Eclipse does not contain such a useful features as: auto completion, inspections and navigation, SQL scripts generation.