I plan to have a Browser view with two tables, one main table for customer entities on the top, the table at the bottom contains the order entities. I would like to implement an “click action/listener” within the selection of an customer the content of the order table will be re-/loaded.
How can I implement this kind of Listener or Action?
Is following way recommened and how to trigger the second datasource to reload the nested content?
public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
((LookupSelectionChangeNotifier) mainTable)
.addLookupValueChangeListener(new LookupSelectionChangeListener() {
public void lookupValueChanged(LookupSelectionChangeEvent event) {
Customer singleSelected = mainTable.getSingleSelected();
// fill second table
You can refer to another data source within JPQL query. So, in your case, I would recommend you to define your data sources as follows:
<collectionDatasource id="customersDs"
<![CDATA[select e from sales$Customer e]]>
<collectionDatasource id="ordersDs"
<![CDATA[select e from sales$Order e where e.customer.id = :ds$customersDs]]>
Take notice of e.customer.id = :ds$customersDs. This means that order customer equals to a value from customersDs, i.e. to the selected row.
The refresh behaviour of the order table has to be fixed, therefore I added a Refresh Button on top for the manual fix and call on the second datasource after each action refresh.