How to change main db schema?

I try to create a new Cuba project (latest plugin and framework version) with datasource mssql.
The db should use another schema then dbo.
But, how to tell Cuba not to use dbo schema?
I tried currentSchema=schemaname in the URL, additional parameters…
nothing works.
I only get this error message:
Execution failed for task ‘:app-core:updateDb’. The specified schema name “dbo” either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.


There is some info in the Developers Manual:

Hi Alexander,

I tried that in multiple ways… but it does not work.
Here as an example my actual settings I try to use:
cuba.dataSourceProvider = application
cuba.dataSource.username =
cuba.dataSource.password = pwd$01
cuba.dataSource.dbName = dbname
cuba.dataSource.connectionParams = -sql-db-dev;authentication=activedirectorypassword;currentSchema=jmix_test_cuba =

One other topic is, that the Studio GUI does not accept DB names like: dbname-sql-db-dev
The only way to get it running, is splitting the DBName and put the second part into the connectionParams.

The error message I get with this settings:
Execution failed for task ‘:app-core:updateDb’. The specified schema name “dbo” either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.

Which means, “dbo” schemaName is still used.

And, I am facing the same issue in JMIX…

Have you also modified parameters of the task in build.gradle?

UPD: ah, sorry, it’s necessary only for JNDI data source.

I also tried jndi datasource and did the sttings in build.gradle