How to add a file-link into a column?


I have written a method, which retrieves the file path over the FileUploadButton and saves it in my datasource.
Is there a way to implement a link or linkButton directly into the column which opens this file from my local directory or server directory?

I’ve googled a lot and studied the Cuba Documentation, but found nothing comparable.
I’m also a real Java beginner.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-27 um 20.37.25

Hi Lukas,

generally opening files from the local filesystem is a problem from a security perspective in the context of a browser. Generally you can take a look at this SO question, which is pretty much what you are asking:

So the bottom line is: use a normal link with the protocol “file:///”. But how it will be opened / downloaded is up to the browser. You can do that in any framework which produces some form of HTML pages (and in CUBA as well :))

If you have any specific question on how to do it in CUBA, don’t hesitate to ask… :slight_smile:


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