How can I to use App Components and the relations to them

Now I have tried to create a project which uses several components.
I have created a project with the following structure.
Product Component depends on Store component. Then I have created Customers component.
Then I have created a Order project with lines which depends on Product Component.
When I add Product to Order line i can see Product name and price from Product entity but in can’t get the name of Store.
If I open the view in Product Component I can see the Store name in view. Why can’t I get Store name, nor use Enities from the component which is added to a component which I use in a Project.

I did solve the issue. I will add an idea that Cuba chall see if there is any dependencies the Component is using.

The platform build and run mechanisms already support transitive dependencies between components. I.e. in build.gradle and web.xml you can list only your direct dependencies. But the current version of Studio (6.3) requires defining the whole components tree. Studio 6.4 will support transitive dependencies - it’s already on our roadmap.