How can I make this drop down button?

Hello. Im trying to make this button that drops down into different options. Is there an example on how to do this… this could come in very handy.

Thank You !!

Hello Eparamo,

To add or remove action from this PopupButton you should extend user browser screen. You can do it using Studio:

  1. create screen
  2. select tab Legacy Screen Templates
  3. select Extend an existing screen
  4. select “sec$User.browse” in “Extend Screen” drop-down list

In the controller you can do the following:

private Notifications notifications;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    additionalActionsBtn.addAction(new BaseAction("myAction")
            .withCaption("My action")
            .withHandler(event -> {
                        .withCaption("MyAction is invoked")

Thank you so much for your response!! This
Is a legacy component then? Will there be a non legacy component in the future? Thank you !

Screen sec$User.browse is legacy but not a component. See information about PopupButton in the documentation and online demo.

Thank you very much for your help !!!