How can i do something when treeTable show child tree

Dear cuba
i want make the child’s background color is the same as the parent’s background color when the tree table unfold.
how to implement it?


If I got you right, you want to get rid of stripes style (when the even rows have a different background color). In order to do that, you need to define the stylename="no-stripes" attribute for your table.


NO, I don’t want clear all stripes style,
i want the child rows is same as parent row’s background color , in tree table.
if the parent row’s background color is white ,it’s child rows should be white

Add the following style in the theme extension:

.v-table-row {
  background-color: #fafafa;


Thanks !
but That’s not what I want,
i think I need a listener to listen for the tree table expansion event

Could you please explan how this

relates to that

What exactly do you want to achieve?


i want the child rows is same as parent row’s background color , in tree table.
so when parent row unfold child rows,the child rows is same as parent row’s background color


Unfortunately, the child rows don’t know about the parent’s background color. The only you can do is define a color for all rows (as I’ve shown above) and switch-on/off stripes style.