Hi, new to CUBA

Hi, i am new to Cuba. Btw nice work. We was previously using Googles Appmaker as our low code enviroment. We like to move our apps to cuba platform. In appmaker we used to use tables which contained objects in columns such as divs and buttons. Is it possible in cuba to somehov add items inside column and not to have only single item in it? We have built few more or less complex apps which combines data via relations from multiple datasources. Is this possible in cuba? Screenshot_17

Hi & Welcome! Glad to have you here :slight_smile:

Not sure what you are talking about in particular, but in general: yes. It is possible to render any kind of component into a cell in a table (https://demo10.cuba-platform.com/sampler/#main/7/sample?id=editable-table , https://demo10.cuba-platform.com/sampler/#main/11/sample?id=maxlength-table). It is also possible to have a details generator when you double click on a row (like here: https://demo10.cuba-platform.com/sampler/#main/6/sample?id=datagrid-detailsgenerator).

Do you mean like that you want to render information across the relationship between multiple tables? In case: yes it is totally possible. E.g. here it displays the order details and the customer details: https://demo10.cuba-platform.com/sampler/#main/11/sample?id=maxlength-table


We need to achieve something like this. Is this possible by using some kind of table or container so we can compose UI in table like design? Screenshot_18