Help badly needed

Hello out there. In addition to the post ( [“Error on creating a project”) below things evolved serious.
Here the scenario from the beginning:

  • Trying to test the maps add-on, I faced some lib. incompablities with my cuba installation (2019)
  • Thinking on cuba updating to 2020.2 a time ago, I decided to install the newest version on this occasion…and the problems started…
  • It wasn’t possible to open/import my current Production-Project correctly. After opening it, the CUBA menu option isn’t visibible, modules in prj.structure are completely missing (existing on disc-struc) and an error occures after loading (see below)
  • To ensure the daily business in supporting the prod.project I installed cuba 2019 again, and: it’s no longer possible to work even with that project, no matter if opened (“unknown-entity-message” on all entites in screen-xml’s, Entity-Designer-Tab disappeared, New Entity doesn’t work) or imported (Groovy error), errors see below) .
    Older and downloaded sample cuba projects aren’t working either.

Every try was based on a from backups recovered projects.

So, originally trying to test an add-on, after two days of frustrating experiences (and endless attempts) I ended up lost in configurations and a completely unusuable dev.environment. It’s kind of disastrous!

So, pls. to all those who are familiar with that environment/version/tool subjects, can you provide any help?

open existing project

or import project
new project

open project (cuba menu missing; proj.structure “empty”)

prj. loading finished


Firstly, I’m not a Haulmont employee, just a community member. I was also experiencing the same issue with several projects over the weekend. It seems I found the solution yesterday, so I’ll share what worked for me. If your issue is the same as the one that I had, it has to do with the artifact repository ‘bintray’ being sunsetted, so all artifact repositories need to be changed over to the new Cuba artifact repository. What I did was open the build.gradle file and manually changed the repositories section at the very top of the file:

From this:

buildscript {
    ext.cubaVersion = '7.2.11'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

    dependencies {
        classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"

To this:

buildscript {
    ext.cubaVersion = '7.2.11'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('repoUser') ? rootProject['repoUser'] : 'cuba')
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('repoPass') ? rootProject['repoPass'] : 'cuba123')
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"

After you change that, go to the ‘Cuba’ menu at the top of the Studio application and select ‘Re-Import Gradle Project’. Once I did that, everything stopped complaining and everything worked as it did before.

It should be noted that you should ONLY change the section inside of the repositories brackets.

I hope this helps you!




Thanks to Adam for explaining the correct solution in detail.

The causes of problems with Bintray are explained here: Important: shutdown of the Bintray and Jcenter repositories

Also we don’t recommend using old Studio versions to anybody. Each of the new Studio releases contain many bug fixes, and when using old Studio you may meet problems which have been solved a long time ago.

Hi Adam,
that simple.
It shows me that msg, so I did the “Switch CUBA…”. Went well.

You made my day!

Thanks a lot. :+1:

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That’s wonderful to hear!

Please make sure to mark my comment as the solution so they know it doesn’t require more attention.

Have a great week!
