Has ccpayment module been dropped off in platform 6?

Hi there,

ccpayment was available in base project in platform ver 5.6.14 but disappear afterwards.

Has it been dropped off? Could you let me know the future plan of support for this module?

What’s the equivalent module in the latest release?

If the newer version do not support ccpayment, where can I get a snapshot of the old v5.6.14?

Kind regards,

Hi Mike,
Sorry for the late reply.
CCPayments module has been removed from Studio because it is undocumented and we cannot support it appropriately. But we use it internally at Haulmont, and it is still in the repositories:

  • versions up to 6.0 are in Index of /groups/work under the old runtime license
  • versions 6.1+ are in https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium under the new per-developer license (they are available if you have a subscription).
    If you want to include ccpayments into your project, tell us what version do you want to use, and we’ll provide instructions for how to do it manually in build.gradle.

Thank you for your reply, Konstantin. I did find it in https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium

I am going to upgrade to platform 6.3.0.RC2. Could you tell the instructions against this version?

Thank you,

Hi Mike,
This is actually quite easy:

  • close Studio server
  • edit file ~.haulmont\studio\config.xml
  • add true under the element and save the file
  • now you will have ccpayments checkbox in “App components” panel as previously
    Don’t forget to update database after adding the component.

Hi Konstantin.
How can I access ccPayments from CUBA Studio 6.7.2.

I use Nexus as repository my self, so how do I get Access to ccPayment?

Hi Kjell,
CCPayment is still published in the premium repo https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium, so you should be able to access it the same way as you do it for other premium add-ons.

This is what I get from proxy https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium/ in Nexus.


No ccPayment import.

I did found out how to access and import ccPayments.

Hi Konstantin
Could you please direct where is the config.xml file located in SE 6.7.4?

Hi Mortoza,
SE uses the same set of config files and caches, so it’s at the same location.