Hard to configure uberJAR


First of all, thanks for your great tool. It is a very nice platform. Your documentation is close to be perfect and that a very important point to start with new tools.

I encountered some difficulties to deploy my cuba app in the following context

  • cuba-platform 6.10.5
  • cuba studio 6.10.1
  • uberjar
  • use of an external local.app.properties

Lets say may app is called myapp.

The local application property file is <APP_HOME>/myapp/conf/myapp/local.app.properties

But It wasn’t read !

After a couple of hours, I found the problem:

In <SOURCE_CODE>/modules/web/web/WEB-INF/web.xml , there is :


==> local.app.properties is read via ${catalina.base}

But UberJar uses Jetty … so it has nothing to do with catalina.base (which refers to tomcat. )

Once I modified like this my commandline, it worked!

java %JAVA_OPTS% -Dcatalina.base="%APP_HOME%\myapp" -jar myapp.jar

Could it be simplified using another variable in web.xml? (is it a tomcat limitation ? )

Hope this could help :wink:


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Hi Guillaume,

Thanks for pointing out the problem.
Created ticket.