Google AppEngine Deployment Issue - Cannot check and update database


I am trying to deploy a sample application on Google App Engine Flexible following the instructions in

However, although the deployment seems to be a success , I am having an issue starting up the application due to an dbinitialization error.

ERROR: Cannot check and update database. See the stacktrace below for details. Attached the log.

gae_app__logs__2019-12-19T07-29.json (127.3 KB)

Also attached the config file and build.gradle file

jetty-env.xml (952 Bytes)

build.gradle (6.2 KB)

Thanks for the help.


The error message in your log that is “unusual” is the following:

Caused by: already connected

If you google it, there are some topics with solutions.

Maybe this is your case, have you set up Cloud SQL Proxy?

Thank you for the prompt response. I had not set up cloud SQL proxy as per the google documentation it was not required.

The real issue was that I had set up the sample instance with password ‘Cuba’ and was using postgres that resolved the issue.

I could see that the tables were being created well using the cloud shell but the application was not loading up.

Increased the number of instances in manual scaling to 2 but yielded no result.

I could see that the application was at-least trying to load up but running into some kind of problem loading up vaadin widget sets.

Added the following in the app.yaml file and it works well now.

memory_gb: 4

Thank you for the support