I ejected the expo using the following command
expo eject
and the Expo has been successfully ejected…
found 14 vulnerabilities (13 low, 1 moderate)
run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
Ejected successfully!
Before running your app on iOS, make sure you have CocoaPods installed and initialize the project:
cd ios
pod install
Then you can run the project:
npm run android
npm run ios
After executed the following commands…
npm run android (or) react-native run-android
react-native start
I’m just getting the Empty screen…
Please help me the procedures to be performed after ejecting Expo…
The App works when i execute the command in a seperate command prompt
npm run android
and the following command in another command prompt
npm start
Now my problem is I’m unable to login to the application after i eject the app.
I have change the .env file to the IP address and have created a role for rest api and given all required permissions, but the I’m getting the Server error.
It login successfully with Expo and react.js front end, but not logging in with the the Ejected app.