(Kjell Dirdal)
April 4, 2018, 7:49am
Does someone have an idea how to get result from cubaApp.getPermission()?
My code is as follow but this.permissionInfo is null or undefined.
private subject = new Subject<any>();
private userInfo: UserInfo;
private cubaApp: CubaApp;
private permissionInfo: PermissionInfo[];
constructor(private storageService: StorageService,
private alertService: AlertService,
private cubaIntegrationService: CubaIntegrationService) {
this.cubaApp = cubaIntegrationService.getCubaApp();
this.userInfo = this.storageService.getCurrentUser();
loadUserInfo(): void {
.then(value => {
this.userInfo = value;
this.subject.next({ userInfo: this.getCurrentUser() });
.catch(() => {
this.alertService.error('Can\'t obtain UserInfo');
.then(value => {
this.permissionInfo = value;
.catch(() => {
this.alertService.error('Can\'t obtain PermissionInfo');
isAnonymous(): boolean {
return this.userInfo == null || this.userInfo.login === 'anonymous';
getCurrentUser(): UserInfo {
return this.isAnonymous() ? null : this.userInfo;
onUserInfoChanged(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.asObservable();
getPermissionInfo(): PermissionInfo[] {
return this.permissionInfo ? null : this.permissionInfo;
(Vladislav Minaev)
April 4, 2018, 3:54pm
Could you check if there are any explicitly specified permissions? Otherwise REST API returns an empty array.
(Kjell Dirdal)
April 4, 2018, 4:21pm
So, if I am logged in as admin with default. Then there is an empty array. An if I make changes changes will be reflected in an filled array?
Is it normal to call this when getting userinfo or shall I use own service?
(Vladislav Minaev)
April 4, 2018, 5:29pm
REST API returns compilation of permissions of all roles assigned to current user. If you change user (login/logout) or make any changes in roles you should load permissions again.
(Kjell Dirdal)
April 4, 2018, 7:07pm
The reason was that the result from json never left the service. If I added the permissionInfo in storage service then I got the data out of the service.
(Vladislav Minaev)
April 5, 2018, 8:09am
Sorry, I don’t get your last question. Could you please clarify what the problem is? I guess you are talking about Angular services?
(Kjell Dirdal)
April 5, 2018, 10:23am
I have manged to solve the problem.
What I do miss is the actual name of entities, menu item and screen names. Is it possible to get these or are they in language files?
(Vladislav Minaev)
April 5, 2018, 11:41am
Here is an example of permissions returned by REST
"type": "SCREEN",
"target": "sec$User.browse",
"value": "ALLOW",
"intValue": 1
"type": "ENTITY_OP",
"target": "sec$Filter:read",
"value": "ALLOW",
"intValue": 1
"type": "ENTITY_ATTR",
"target": "sec$SessionLogEntry:clientType",
"value": "MODIFY",
"intValue": 2
"type": "SPECIFIC",
"target": "cuba.restApi.enabled",
"value": "ALLOW",
"intValue": 1
So we have screen id in SCREEN
permissions and can parse entity name in ENTITY_OP
(Kjell Dirdal)
April 5, 2018, 11:53am
"type": "SCREEN",
"target": "sec$User.browse",
"value": "ALLOW",
"intValue": 1
Is it any opportunity to get Entity Name or is this Entity Name in the language resource files.