Generate model guidelines

So Cuba studio supports entities import and many-to-one relation import.
But how do I import many-to-many relation?
Is there any manual/guidelines concerning this topic?
For example saying “tables should be named in singular form”
“so that your many-to-many relations were handled you should …”
Where are conventions and currently implemented features of import described?

Hi, @rulesprog!

But how do I import many-to-many relation?

Studio automatically migrates many-to-many relations, according to the following rules:

  1. Join table must have a composite primary key consisting of imported keys.
  2. Join table should not contain other columns except columns with an autogenerated value.
  3. If items 1 or 2 are not fulfilled then the table will be migrated as an entity.

Is there any manual/guidelines concerning this topic?

Studio contains context help with a manual for each step.

Also, see: