Generate Model from Postgresql

Dear Cuba Team,

I want to generate models based on postgresql database from Studio. But the screen show empty list of tables.
Here is the log output :

2017-02-16 16:27:21,388 DEBUG [] Post: HelpContextChangeEvent{, page='navigator', tab='data_model', control='null'}
2017-02-16 16:27:21,391 DEBUG [] [perf] Too long request processing [5756 ms]: url=/studio/UIDL/
2017-02-16 16:27:24,759 DEBUG [] Opening connection to DB: url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hcm, user=postgres
2017-02-16 16:27:24,765 DEBUG [] Opening connection to DB: url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hcm, user=postgres
2017-02-16 16:27:24,780 DEBUG [] Register:
2017-02-16 16:27:24,785 DEBUG [] Register:
2017-02-16 16:27:24,786 DEBUG [] Opening page
2017-02-16 16:27:24,787 DEBUG [] Post: HelpContextChangeEvent{, page='generate_model_page', tab='select_tables', control='null'}
2017-02-16 16:27:26,544 DEBUG [] Opening connection to DB: url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/hcm, user=postgres

by default cuba platform use public schema of postgresql

check the schama name on the buttom of the screen then click show tables button

btw I use public schema, see my attached image



How many tables has the database?
How do you connect it (as main or additional data store)?
Does the “Test connection” succeed?
