Full text search "Nothing Found"


I used Full Text Search add-on with a test database, everything works fine.
Now after I restore a production database (> 1000 records) when I search something I have: “Nothing Found”.

I tried to reindex all run again processQueue(), scheduler, but nothing happens. What should I do?

Best Regards,

probably your data is not fully indexed yet. Check that the scheduled task for processQueue() is active and is invoked. Also if you have just about 1000 records in the database then you can process them all at once. Run reindexAll() and then procesEntireQueue() methods. The difference between processQueue() and processEntireQueue() is that the first one process just N records (N is specified by the indexingBatchSize application property) and the last one processes the entire queue.
Also you may check that all the queue is processed by querying the SYS_FTS_QUEUE database table. It contains records that are still in indexing queue.

Finally it worked. I had to redone the steps and wait a little bit longer.

Best Regards,