Fts addon entity not indexed

Hi All,
I have a problem with fts addon.
I have customized fts.xml file with searchable entitys.

I customize file specifying attributes to do indexed.
I have run rebuildAll and processQueue procedure.
Search command correctly function with entity Art end entity Pdc but don’t function with entity Magdc or Prom.
How can I understand what is the problem?
Is there particular characteristics of entity to set for make It be indexed ?
Is there a log where I can check fts-addon procedures work?
Thank you for response


When you need to reindex all entities (e.g. after changing fts.xml configuration), you need to run the following tasks in JMX bean “FtsManager”:

  1. java.lang.String reindexAll()
    Reindex all entities synchronously

  2. java.lang.String processEntireQueue()

The “processQueue” method does a processing of a one small batch (300 entities by default) in the queue. This method should be scheduled to run periodically with a scheduled task.

To investigate the progress of indexing, enable DEBUG level of the “com.haulmont.fts.core.app.FtsManager” logger category (in Administration -> Server Log system screen).

Also for debugging purposes you can open Administration -> Entity Inspector screen and view sys$FtsQueue entity there.

Normally this table should be empty, or contain 1-2 records for the entities just created few seconds ago and not yet processed by the scheduler.


Hi Alex,
thank you for response.
I had already running reindexAll() and processEntireQueue() without result.
In log I find this messages for entities not indexed:

2020-10-28 11:06:11.081 DEBUG [BackgroundTask-1-admin/marketnewstore-core/admin] com.haulmont.fts.core.sys.LuceneIndexerBean - Adding document sys$FileDescriptor-549223a6-c6c8-0c6d-7fcf-3d211f4f105c
2020-10-28 11:06:11.083 WARN [BackgroundTask-1-admin/marketnewstore-core/admin] com.haulmont.fts.core.sys.LuceneIndexerBean - Unsupported file extension: XML
2020-10-28 11:06:11.083 DEBUG [BackgroundTask-1-admin/marketnewstore-core/admin] com.haulmont.fts.core.sys.LuceneIndexerBean - Adding document sys$FileDescriptor-fb142151-ccda-6b92-cf7d-2f4c7c25f67f
2020-10-28 11:06:11.085 WARN [BackgroundTask-1-admin/marketnewstore-core/admin] com.haulmont.fts.core.sys.LuceneIndexerBean - Unsupported file extension: XML

In xml I have tried with

< entity class=“com.company.marketnewstor.entity.Prom”>
< include name=“descrizione”/>
< include name=“codPanel”/>
< include name=“codiceIniz”/>
< include name=“codMessaggio”/>
< /entity >

and also with

< entity class=“com.company.marketnewstor.entity.Prom”>
< include re=".*"/>
< /entity >

If I put in xml file only an entity that is indexed in log I find more record such as:

2020-10-28 15:18:08.579 DEBUG [BackgroundTask-0-admin/marketnewstore-core/admin] com.haulmont.fts.core.sys.LuceneIndexerBean - Adding document marketnewstore_Art-SAL272
2020-10-28 15:18:08.580 DEBUG [BackgroundTask-0-admin/marketnewstore-core/admin] com.haulmont.fts.core.sys.LuceneIndexerBean - Adding document marketnewstore_Art-SAL226

OK, so you ensured that indexing finishes without problems (those warnings about indexing unsupported XML files are not critical).

But the search works fine with some entities and doesn’t work with other entities.

Can you reproduce this problem on a small demo project with fts-addon added, by extracting problematic entities to a demo project?

If you will be able to reproduce it, then it means the problem is in the add-on.
If not then there is something else in your project.