Hi All,
I have a problem with fts addon.
I have customized fts.xml file with searchable entitys.
I customize file specifying attributes to do indexed.
I have run rebuildAll and processQueue procedure.
Search command correctly function with entity Art end entity Pdc but don’t function with entity Magdc or Prom.
How can I understand what is the problem?
Is there particular characteristics of entity to set for make It be indexed ?
Is there a log where I can check fts-addon procedures work?
Thank you for response
When you need to reindex all entities (e.g. after changing fts.xml configuration), you need to run the following tasks in JMX bean “FtsManager”:
java.lang.String reindexAll()
Reindex all entities synchronously
java.lang.String processEntireQueue()
The “processQueue” method does a processing of a one small batch (300 entities by default) in the queue. This method should be scheduled to run periodically with a scheduled task.
To investigate the progress of indexing, enable DEBUG level of the “com.haulmont.fts.core.app.FtsManager” logger category (in Administration -> Server Log system screen).
Hi Alex,
thank you for response.
I had already running reindexAll() and processEntireQueue() without result.
In log I find this messages for entities not indexed:
< entity class=“com.company.marketnewstor.entity.Prom”>
< include name=“descrizione”/>
< include name=“codPanel”/>
< include name=“codiceIniz”/>
< include name=“codMessaggio”/>
< /entity >
and also with
< entity class=“com.company.marketnewstor.entity.Prom”>
< include re=".*"/>
< /entity >
If I put in xml file only an entity that is indexed in log I find more record such as: