<formatter Tag With Table List Data Loader

Hi Team ,

Currently I’m depending on formatter to format date sample as below

 <column id="submissionDate" caption="msg://submission-date">
                            <formatter class="com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter"
                                       format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>

When Data For Table is loaded Using collection data loader query formatter is working fine with now issue , but When loading table data using Data Loader Delegate formatter is not applied

I’m select all attributes like select e from request e so no option to control the returned data set

Hello @abd.ibrahim.allam,

What platform version do you use? Unfortunately, I could not reproduce your problem on the CUBA 7.2.9 version test project. Could you attach a test project where I can reproduce the above case?


Hi @gorelov ,

You are right issue is not exist on version 7.2.9 but it is on 7.2.7 i just upgraded my application and issue is fixed