flowBox margin issue


I tried to set the margins for the flowBox.
Even in Designer they are present in UI are empty (space).
Is there any additional setup in order to see the margins?

  <flowBox spacing="false" width="100%" caption="Text" margin="true" responsive="true">

Best Regards,

Hello @neutrino,

I could not reproduce your case.
My XML descriptor:

<flowBox spacing="false" width="100%" caption="FlowBox" margin="true" responsive="true">
    <textField caption="TextField"/>

Margins are added to the content of flowBox as seen in the first screenshot:
We can also verify this using the Web Developer Tools in the browser:

Could you clarify which platform version you are using? Could you send a test project or screen XML descriptor where your case is being reproduced?


Hi Gleb,

As you show in the first example the margins of the FlowBox cannot be seen (only the margins of the text field .
In the second example indeed seems the margins appear. What is the Web Developer Tools refering to? How could I use it?

<flowBox with="auto" caption= "Text" margin="true" responsive = "true">
<textField id="myfirstid" .......etc>
<textField id="mysecondid"...........etc>

I would like a border that would include the two textField (which already have their own borders).
Platform version: 7.1.4

Best Regards,

Hello @neutrino,

Two examples show the same flowBox. For clarity, in the second image, the margins are highlighted in color.

I can suggest follow solution:

  • Use flowBox spacing attribute:
<flowBox spacing="true" width="auto" caption="FlowBox" margin="true" responsive="true">
    <textField caption="TextField 1"/>
    <textField caption="TextField 2"/>



Hello Gleb,

Unfortunately for me still doesn’t work.

  <layout expand="editActions" spacing="true">
        <form id="form" dataContainer="customerDc">
            <column width="250px">
                <textField id="nameField" property="name"/>
                <flowBox spacing="true" width="auto" caption="FlowBox" margin="true" responsive="true"
                         icon="ARROW_DOWN" stylename="bold colored">
                    <textField caption="TextField 1"/>
                    <textField caption="TextField 2"/>


I think is something else…


The only stylename that actually works isstylename="well".
However is mandatory to clean and rerun the app in order to take the changes.
