(neutrino neutrino)
February 9, 2020, 6:22am
I tried to set the margins for the flowBox.
Even in Designer they are present in UI are empty (space).
Is there any additional setup in order to see the margins?
<flowBox spacing="false" width="100%" caption="Text" margin="true" responsive="true">
Best Regards,
(Gleb Durygin)
February 10, 2020, 12:40pm
Hello @neutrino ,
I could not reproduce your case.
My XML descriptor :
<flowBox spacing="false" width="100%" caption="FlowBox" margin="true" responsive="true">
<textField caption="TextField"/>
Margins are added to the content of flowBox
as seen in the first screenshot:
We can also verify this using the Web Developer Tools
in the browser:
Could you clarify which platform version you are using? Could you send a test project or screen XML descriptor where your case is being reproduced?
(neutrino neutrino)
February 10, 2020, 7:16pm
Hi Gleb,
As you show in the first example the margins of the FlowBox cannot be seen (only the margins of the text field .
In the second example indeed seems the margins appear. What is the Web Developer Tools
refering to? How could I use it?
<flowBox with="auto" caption= "Text" margin="true" responsive = "true">
<textField id="myfirstid" .......etc>
<textField id="mysecondid"...........etc>
I would like a border that would include the two textField (which already have their own borders).
Platform version: 7.1.4
Best Regards,
(Gleb Durygin)
February 11, 2020, 3:03pm
Hello @neutrino ,
Two examples show the same flowBox
. For clarity, in the second image, the margins are highlighted in color.
I can suggest follow solution:
Use flowBox
<flowBox spacing="true" width="auto" caption="FlowBox" margin="true" responsive="true">
<textField caption="TextField 1"/>
<textField caption="TextField 2"/>
(neutrino neutrino)
February 14, 2020, 9:00am
Hello Gleb,
Unfortunately for me still doesn’t work.
<layout expand="editActions" spacing="true">
<form id="form" dataContainer="customerDc">
<column width="250px">
<textField id="nameField" property="name"/>
<flowBox spacing="true" width="auto" caption="FlowBox" margin="true" responsive="true"
icon="ARROW_DOWN" stylename="bold colored">
<textField caption="TextField 1"/>
<textField caption="TextField 2"/>
I think is something else…
(neutrino neutrino)
February 14, 2020, 11:46am
The only stylename that actually works isstylename="well"
However is mandatory to clean and rerun the app in order to take the changes.