After a couple of weeks, I try too complete my first basic bpm process using Cuba Platform.
What I try to implement :
From browse screen of my entity, start a process programmatically and open a new editor
From this editor, retrieve the procinstance just create and display the nextstep button
From this editor (same as point 2), complete two fields, save the form and click on nextStep button to open another editor
On this new editor (different from point 2 and 3) I want to display a finish button in the procActionsFrame france, complete one field (from the same entity), save the form and click on finish to complete the process.
For the moment points one and two are fully completed.
For the point 3 I’m able to display the new editor screen ( but in a popup mode, not found a way to open it in the same tab for the moment), and the procActionsFrame still display the nextStep button.
Could you provide me some support regarding this ?
Thanks in advance,
Point 3, is now completed using onCommit method and this code
// Commit data
// Complete current task
processRuntimeService.completeProcTask(procTask, “myDeclaringOutPut.edit”, “”, ParamsMap.of(“processInstance”, procInstance));
// Open the nextStep
openEditor(“myDeclaringOutPut.edit”, getItem(), WindowManager.OpenType.THIS_TAB, ParamsMap.of(“processInstance”, procInstance));
So, using the same trick I probably can achieve my first bpm.
To add some complexity to this I would like to be able to select a user for next step.
I understand your english, I don’t quite understand the workflow you’re trying to implement. It’ll be helpful if you attach a diagram of you process. After I have it in front of me, I’ll ask you more specific questions.
After watching the webinar, I finally understand that my simple bpm wasn’t as simple as I expected.
So I just get the bpm webinar sample and modify it to work with my entity.
I have something that work for the moment.
As you can see, from now I want to display the invalid message when return to step ‘initialStep’ or ‘societeSiteStep’
How can I do this ? I search on proActionsFrame without success for the moment.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
The “Validataion” user task has several outcomes. For each outcome a button is displayed in the procActionsFrame. When the user clicks the button for “initialStep” or 'societeSiteStep" outcome, you want to display a simple notification. Is that correct? Or you have more complex conditions for these sequence flows?
Not exactly a notification, I want to display close to proActionsFrame the comment wrote from task Validation.
Anyway I add a textfield to do this (retrieve task order by endDate desc and get comment to display).