Filter group box

I think that is a bug. If you close group box filter, then close screeen and reopen it, this still closed.


Please do not use external resources for file sharing. If you want to attach a project, simply use the ./gradlew zipProject and attache archive here.

Regarding your problem, please check if collapsed="true" is set for a filter.


Hi, the external link is a video not a project. Collapsed property is not set

Try to clear user settings for that screen:

  • Administration > Entity Inspector
  • Entity Type: User Settings (sec$UserSetting)
  • Find records for the required screen. The name entity attribute relates to a screen id.
  • Remove records and relogin to the app.

Alternatively, you can remove all records.

Instead of removing user settings, you can set settingsEnabled="false" to a filter.

If the problem persists then you need to investigate your screen code.


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Yes removing row for setting user screen id, then log off and log on, now woork good. I think should be fixed.