Filter collapsable properties

On studio missing collapsable properties of Filter ui component

I seen also that if you close screen with filter ui uncollapsed, mantain always this status, also if you expand and close screen, next time that you reopen filter group still closed

Could you please provide more information about your problem?
Users still have an ability to set collapsable property from the screen xml file.

 <filter id="filter"

Are two different problems:

  1. yes you can set from xml but from designer window miss property.
  2. I happened to see that I mistakenly I clicked on the icon to collapse (close) the filter group. Closing the window and opening it again, the filter remained closed, I expanded it again and closed the window and then opened it again and the filter group remain closed.
    I did another test, from code on Init screen, I forced the properties collapsable = false, but the behavior did not change, or I no longer had the possibility of expanding the group because the icon was no longer present, but anyway the group was all closed. After few days problem is disappeared, could it be a cache problem? I seen this problem from the production environment application of my customer, from a development environment is not reproducible
  1. We have created a YouTrack issue
  2. Could you please specify which version of the platform do you use?