FieldGroup for DateTime Attribute

So I have an entity that the attribute KnowledgeDate as DateTime.
On my screen (generated with "create standard screens), this attribute shows up within a fieldgroup. The components are a DateField and a TimeField.
The problem is that since I don’t have control of the TimeField, I can use the “ShowSeconds” option.
So I thought that maybe I should use two custom fields (DateField and TimeField) and link them back to the fieldgroup, but somehow for the custom field it seems that I can only return one field at a time.

Anyway, I’m trying to display the date as MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

The format of the DateTime field may be changed to “MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” by setting its resolution to SEC.
See [url=]DateField - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual.
This may be done by calling the ‘setResoluton()’ method.

    private DateField dateTimeField;
   public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

Or declaratively in the XML screen descriptor.

<fieldGroup id="fieldGroup"
            <column width="200px">
                <field id="dateTimeField" resolution="SEC"></field>
                <field id="dateField"></field>

After that, the corresponding field should look as in the attachment.


Thanks. It worked great.