Please i need some help with this. I can’t seem tofind out how to add the css class.
The border attribute can be set either to hidden or visible . Default is hidden . If set to visible , the fieldGroup component is highlighted with a border. In the web implementation of the component, displaying a border is done by adding the cuba-fieldgroup-border CSS class.
You don’t need to add a cuba-fieldgroup-border class yourself. In order to set the borders for the FieldGroup component you need to add border attribute in the XML descriptor or in screen controller and the CUBA platform will add the necessary cuba-fieldgroup-border class.
You can set the value for border attribute in XML descriptor or in screen controller:
If you use CUBA 7.1, then you probably meant the Form component instead of the FieldGroup component. The Form component does not have a pre-defined style for border.
If you use a Form component you need to follow several steps: