Extending ServiceBean throws Error not registered in LocalServiceDirectory

I’m trying this tutorial in Extending Business Logic. And scenario: I have SomeService and SomeServiceBean in myAppComp component.

And I want to override SomeServiceBean in myApp. So I made: NewSomeServiceBean in myApp and register it in core, spring.xml. According to the documentation.

But it throws error:
Service myApp-core/myAppComp_SomeService is not registered in LocalServiceDirectory

And then I put the service in web-spring.xml, just like the rest. But it doesn’t help either. What to do?

I have found out the problem. It’s because I implements the service and not extending the service bean.

Maybe you can make the documentation bit more complete? By making the example of how extending service bean in our app components. Anyway, this question has been answered.

Will do, thank you for pointing out the problem.