I am trying to work around the limitation of the rich text editor to include images (inline, not through url). To do so, I would like to replace certain keywords in the rich text field with the actual images which was uploaded separately.
This is some text with rich text formatting
Continue text
At the location where it says [IMAGE], I would like to replace the content with an pointing to the actual image file and thus showing the image. Note: this is not to be done during editing, only when showing the rich text content.
The thing that I am not able to work round is to get the proper url from the image that was uploaded before. I am using the default FileDescriptor for uploading the images.
Where it states: βAt the location where it says [IMAGE],β¦β, it should read like this:
At the location where it says [IMAGE], I would like to replace the content with an img tag:
<img src="link tio image within the application"/>
where the src attribute is pointing to the actual image file and thus showing the image. Note: this is not to be done during editing, only when showing the rich text content.
Well, after a lot of trial and error I actually got this to work using the code shown below. This might help others as well so I am providing the solution here.
// Replace tags with attached images
String richContent = object.getRichContent();
Set<Image> imageFiles = page.getImages();
for (Image i : imageFiles) {
byte[] bytes = null;
String imgTag = i.getImageTag();
FileDescriptor imageFile = i.getImageFile();
// Get image as bytes
if (imageFile != null) {
try {
bytes = fileStorageService.loadFile(imageFile);
} catch (FileStorageException e) {
showNotification("Unable to load image file", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
if (bytes != null) {
// Get Base64 encoded image string
byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes);
String imgHtmlTag = "<img alt='" + imageFile.getName() + "' src='data:image/"+ imageFile.getExtension() + ";base64," + new String(encodedBytes);
imgHtmlTag = imgHtmlTag + "' style='max-width: 100%;'/>";
// Replace tag in content with imageTag
richContent = richContent.replaceAll("\\[" + imgTag + "\\]",imgHtmlTag);
} else {
showNotification("Empty file?", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
// Set richContent in label control
I am using an Image object that extends the normal FileDescriptor to add a Tag field that is used to identify the location in the rich text.
Within the page I am using a HTML enabled Label component to display the text including images.
Having a rich text editor that would include the images within the content value would be best, also in usability terms but this turns out to be a very acceptable workaround.