Extending groupTable component

I want extend groupTable component adding a new function that permit, to an advanced user, to add dynamic columns to a grid, using Groovy script. To make this I need to develop a new windows where user can configure and manage dynamic colmns. Could be interesting calling this command from presentation command or from context menu table icon gear where are present columns hide and show commands, but is not possible I will use a context menu on grid.

Looking the documentation the way seem be create a new UI Component Vaadin


Into “Add-on Maven dependency” field, what should I write if I want include a component of cuba like groupTable or DataGrid ?


According to your description, It seems that generated columns is sutable in your case.

I just published an application component that gives users the ability to manage dynamic columns defined on table components.

You can read the details and the installation/usage instructions in the README of the project:

Later today I’ll submit the component to the marketplace, but it’s already working, so you can start using it immediately (please select the correct target version, it is compatible with 6.8 and latest 6.9).
