Hi all,
I created CUBA project using Oracle DB. I ran the create database step. The system shown Class Not Found: JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver could not be loaded. Enclosed please the error log and studio project.tstOracle.7z (7.6 MB)
Hi all,
I created CUBA project using Oracle DB. I ran the create database step. The system shown Class Not Found: JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver could not be loaded. Enclosed please the error log and studio project.tstOracle.7z (7.6 MB)
I downloaded the ojdbc6.jar in the user.home.haulmont\studio\lib path. And I did the test connection is successful. But I failed in the create database step.
The error message was âTask âcreateDbâ failedâ java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDrivers.
Have you restarted CUBA Studio?
Yes, I reboot server.
The problem had fixed. Thanks.