Execution failed for task ':app-core:createDb'. > Class Not Found: JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver could not be loaded

Hi all,

I created CUBA project using Oracle DB. I ran the create database step. The system shown Class Not Found: JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver could not be loaded. Enclosed please the error log and studio project.tstOracle.7z (7.6 MB)


You need to download and add the Oracle JDBC Driver manually, see this doc.


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I downloaded the ojdbc6.jar in the user.home.haulmont\studio\lib path. And I did the test connection is successful. But I failed in the create database step.

The error message was “Task ‘createDb’ failed” java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDrivers.

Have you restarted CUBA Studio?

Yes, I reboot server.

The problem had fixed. Thanks.

A post was split to a new topic: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver