I am trying to use the number of records from Message Entity with the condition of recipient. Recipient is actually user.
@Table(name = "ERP_MESSAGE")
@Entity(name = "erp$Message")
public class Message extends StandardEntity {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7633510543683363969L;
@Column(name = "TITLE")
protected String title;
@Column(name = "MESSAGE_TEXT")
protected String messageText;
@Column(name = "EXPIRE_DATE")
protected Date expireDate;
@Column(name = "READ_")
protected Boolean read;
@Lookup(type = LookupType.DROPDOWN, actions = {"lookup", "open"})
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "SENDER_ID")
protected ExtUser sender;
@Lookup(type = LookupType.DROPDOWN, actions = {"lookup", "open"})
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "RECIPIENT_ID")
protected ExtUser recipient;
I have used the following SQL in xml as collection datasource
select e from erp$Message e
where e.recipient = :session$userLogin
while trying to refresh the datasource, getting the following exception.
IllegalArgumentException: You have attempted to set a value of type class java.lang.String for parameter session_userLogin with expected type of class com.inteacc.erp.entity.gen.ExtUser from query string
select e from erp$Message e
where e.recipient = :session_userLogin