Error to open Reports function when run application (Studio 2018), unexpected error

I run test Cuba Application on my local host port 6060 with chrome. These functions of Application menu works is ok, but when click reports function of Reports menu then has issue Unexpected error:

SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: REPORT_REPORT in statement [SELECT LIMIT ? ? t1.ID AS a1, t1.CODE AS a2, t1.DELETE_TS AS a3, t1.DELETED_BY AS a4, t1.DESCRIPTION AS a5, t1.LOCALE_NAMES AS a6, t1.NAME AS a7, t1.REPORT_TYPE AS a8, t1.VERSION AS a9, t1.GROUP_ID AS a10, t0.ID AS a11, t0.DELETE_TS AS a12, t0.DELETED_BY AS a13, t0.LOCALE_NAMES AS a14, t0.TITLE AS a15, t0.VERSION AS a16 FROM REPORT_REPORT t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN REPORT_GROUP t0 ON (t0.ID = t1.GROUP_ID) WHERE (t1.DELETE_TS IS NULL)]

I was close the error window to tried create new report follow link:, and when I save report the above error reappears.
How to fix it?

Hello @hoangminhtri81

Have you updated DB after adding Reports Add-on? Could you also clarify what version of CUBA do you use?


After update DB CUBA works is ok!