Error opening Google map

I assembled a project with MapViewer component on my notebook and it works fine. But when I deployed application to our test server, opening the form with map component causes such error:

NoSuchMethodError: com.vaadin.tapio.googlemaps.GoogleMap.<init>(Lcom/vaadin/tapio/googlemaps/client/base/LatLon;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/vaadin/tapio/googlemaps/client/events/MapInitListener;Ljava/lang/String;)V

Full logs is in attachment.

maperror.txt (7.2K)

tomcatlog.txt (7.6K)


Could you clean your server tomcat installation fully, reassemble the project and try it again?

Also, check that you have the same version (the latest) of the googlemaps add-on - 1.0.2.CUBA.17 on your test server.

Best regards,

Thank you Daniil, there were two googlemaps add-ons in shared/lib folder on the server - 16 and 17.
I deleted 16 and the maps are working now.

You are welcome!