Error license IDE

I bought a new machine and have never used the CubaStudio IDE once. But when I install it, it crashes like the picture and can’t use CubaStudio premium 28days for free

If you are a new user - then you shouldn’t start with CUBA Studio. Instead, download and use the new generation of CUBA - Jmix Studio: Web Application Development Tools | Download Jmix Studio

Regarding your problem, either you are using an old obsolete CUBA plugin version (latest is 15.10), or you are opening an old project that uses Bintray as repository (and Bintray has been shut down a while ago).

But i am developing enterprise project on cubaflatform .So can’t use jmix studio.

OK, then download latest IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (2022.3) and install a fresh CUBA plugin there from the plugin marketplace.