Error connecting to HSQLDB

When connecting to hsqldb from squirrel, I get the following error in studio console:

org.hsqldb.HsqlException: Client driver version greater than '' is required.  HSQLDB server version is 'version'
	at org.hsqldb.error.Error.error(Unknown Source)
	at org.hsqldb.server.ServerConnection.init(Unknown Source)
	at Source)

although I’m using the latest version of the driver.

Is there any way to connect to it ?

> I get the following error in studio console

Maybe in Squirrel console?

BTW I have hsqldb-2.2.9.jar in squirrel-sql/lib folder and I’m able to connect using the following URL for example:


yes, it was in Squirrel. I was so upset that I migrated to MySQL…

I will try again with a new project, thanks !
