Error body_content_type column doesn't exist


After migrating platform from 6.8.x to 6.9.7 , I receive following in my app.log from email scheduler

Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column t1.body_content_type does not exist

Any idea how to fix it?


Most likely, you have not updated database after migration as it is described in Migration window. Run Update database action from Studio or gradlew updateDb from the command line.

@artamonov : hi yes my bad miss those steps, but I simply change db by my self

1 add coloumn body_content_type
2. alter column name from value to value_

is that oke ? or I must reupdate DB by using cuba ? thank

It is up to you, but usually you should apply changes from the platform instead of manually changing the database structure.

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