Error after removing ExtFileDescriptor

Duet to reasons mention in Multitenant app - file uploaded by company user can't be downloaded by tenant user - CUBA.Platform, I have to remove ExtFileDescriptor.

After removal of ExtFileDescriptor from project and updating database, my project is not running (it is compiling but gives system error in browser).

The log file says-

instance of class [com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.AppContextLoader] View sys$FileDescriptor/ definition error: property tenantId doesn’t exist

I have checked there is no occurrence of ExtFileDescriptor in project and database is updating without problem. The only occurrence of ExtFileDescriptor was in projectmodel.json. I removed it also and clean, assemble, deleting deply directory etc.

But problem persist. Please advice.



Just missed, There is tenantid in view. Problem got solved after remval.

