Enabling production mode

is there a way to not show the message when I get a unexpected error?


I´ve tryed to do it changed cuba.web.productionMode=true. . . from web-app-properties but it keep showing the message . . .

thank a lot!

Hello @mangel.gonzalez

The cuba.web.productionMode app property enables to manage whether Vaadin developer console can be opened or not.

All unexpected errors are handled by DefaultExceptionHandler. So I suggest you to implement your own exception handler and, for example, just log exceptions. Please read our documentation for more details: Client-Level Exception Handlers.


Hello Danii,

In the follow example I get to catch the exception “SQLException”;

public class AdqExceptionHandler extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler{

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdqExceptionHandler.class);

    public AdqExceptionHandler() {

    protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {
        log.error("ERROR:  TEST DefaultExceptionHandler");


I´ve tried to catch the exceptions; EclipseLinkException, RuntimeException and Exception in the same way but it´s not working!!!. . . . . . do you know how could I do it?

Thank a lot!

Could you share a code that you use to handle these exceptions?

Yes of course!! . . . . Thank a lot!!

I use the follow example to handle the exception “EclipseLinkException” . . … . but it´s not working

public class AdqExceptionHandlerEclipseLink extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler{

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdqExceptionHandlerEclipseLink.class);

    public AdqExceptionHandlerEclipseLink() {

    protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {

        log.error("ERROR:  TEST AdqExceptionHandlerEclipseLink");

        if (throwable != null)
            windowManager.showExceptionDialog(throwable, "Exception is thrown", message);


I use the follow example to handle the exception “RuntimeException” . . … . but it´s not working

public class AdqExceptionHandleRuntime extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler{

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdqExceptionHandleRuntime.class);

    public AdqExceptionHandleRuntime() {

    protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {

        log.error("ERROR:  TEST AdqExceptionHandleRuntime");

        if (throwable != null)
            windowManager.showExceptionDialog(throwable, "Exception is thrown", message);


I use the follow example to handle the exception “Exception”. . … . but it´s not working

public class AdqExceptionHandleException extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler{

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdqExceptionHandleException.class);

    public AdqExceptionHandleException() {

    protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {

        log.error("ERROR:  TEST AdqExceptionHandleException");

        if (throwable != null)
            windowManager.showExceptionDialog(throwable, "Exception is thrown", message);



Please note that if you want to use the same class for few exception types you have to pass their class names into super like this:

public AdqExceptionHandlerEclipseLink() {

Where is your exception handler located?

Hi Daniil,

Thanks for your answer.

The examples I posted above are independent. I don’t have any problems catching multiple exceptions, but catching specific exceptions.

For example, I can catch JPQLException just fine with AdqExceptionHandleException. But EclipseLinkException, RuntimeException and Exception are all catched by CUBA’s DefaultExceptionHandler even after changing super(JPQLException.class.getName()); for super(Exception.class.getName()); in my custom exception handling class.

All my exception handling classes are located in the web module at com.company.exceptions.AdqExceptionHandleException.

Best regards.

In another word, I would like to use AdqExceptionHandler to catch whatever exception not only JPQLException… . . thanks a lot!!!

public class AdqExceptionHandler extends AbstractGenericExceptionHandler{

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdqExceptionHandler.class);

    public AdqExceptionHandler() {

    protected void doHandle(String className, String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable, WindowManager windowManager) {
        log.error("ERROR:  TEST DefaultExceptionHandler");

        if (throwable != null)
            windowManager.showExceptionDialog(throwable, "Exception is thrown", "My custom exception");

I’ve prepared an example for you. Please look for CustomExceptionHandler and exceptions thrown from Screen

ex-handlers.zip (71.3 KB)

Hope it’ll help you


Hello Danii, thank you for your valuable example, my problem is over !! you have helped me a lot !!

I really appreciate it !!

Best regards.

You are welcome! :slight_smile: