Email emailtemplate-addon functionality


  1. I am generating PDF files on the fly and send them as attachments, can I still do that if I will switch to the plugin?
    because I see that you need to pre-define the attachments.

  2. I remember, that in cuba 6 the email subject wasn’t applicable for string replacement such as: Notice: Subscription will expire in ${customer.expiary}.
    The subject line is now supporting that?

  3. I use mailgun API to send emails because they are able to notice me about each mail opening and clicks. Can I implement my own submission and still use the template plugin?


Hi @avi.fatal,

Sorry for the delay with an answer. Please check answers below.

Yes, you can easily configure attached reports which will generate PDF files to your template. Or you can attach files via API. Please check documentation: GitHub - cuba-platform/emailtemplate-addon: This component provides the ability to create outbound email based on generating by YARG reporting templates. Using the component, you can create, edit and delete templates, set groups for templates, and send emails.

Yes, you can use template parameters in the email subject

You can override default CUBA emailer with you own Emailer bean implementation. And all emails will be sent via mailgun API.

We have recently published Email template add-on webinar and described basic features and how to use and configure the add-on, please watch Email Templates Add-on Video Tutorial - YouTube