I am using V7.2.7 of the Platform and
I have a performance problem with Edit Screens with more than a few fields (36 in my example). These 36 fields all correspond to _local attributes (there are also associated attributes in the Entity but they are not used in the Form as I try to get to the bottom of this; the SQL statements that I see executing are minimal).
The problem:
With the (separate) Browse and Edit Screens generated by CUBA Studio, when I click to go to the Edit Screen and depending on the number of fields, the times I get (using the ?debug info) are:
- 1 field: 250ms
- 20 fields: 1050ms
- 30 fields: 1600ms
- 36 fields: 1800ms
This renders the edit functionality virtually unusable.
With the combined Master-Detail Screen (which is the one I want to end-up using) the times are even worse:
- 2500ms for displaying 50 rows with 36 fields
- Selection (showing the selected record at the right hand side, Detail Screen) takes between 500ms and 1000ms
- 3000ms to open the Detail Screen for editing the selected record. Even cancelling the Edit takes another 3000ms
How is this possible and what can I do to fix it? Ideally sub-second response times should be achieved.
Thank you,